Murlock on acid.
Murlock on acid. I'm jerking off !
sweet bro
Spooky !
No seriously I really like this.
Nice piece there. Always wondered why Baphomet drawings always looked interesting in my eyes.
Nice piece of art there ! It'd be cool to see mecha teddy again in the future.
This looks good.
It looks like a drawing from Tony Chu. Actually it looks like Tony Chu's sister .
I like him he's funny. At least thanks to mr.president I have a good laugh...Mostly.
Oh yeah I like this ! I love the small color pallet, this could look like a Gameboy Color game.
Wow ! Au premier abord, le dessin apparaissait comme un photo. Je s'avais pas que tu pouvais dessiner des oeuvres d'aussi bonne qualité !
Bravo !
C'est principalement de la retouche photo, avec mes traits noirs et ma touche quoi ! ;) le défis c'était de faire croire justement à une photo, même en y retouchant pratiquement tout :)
I forgot where the user name "Hesiolite" came from but I like it. By the way,this guy on my profile picture is Twitchy from "Hoodwinked". As for the banner, it's the cover from one of Gojira's album "From Mars to Sirius".
Age 23, Male
Joined on 8/15/16